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Indian Council of Medical Research Recruitment

Two positions are ope­n for the job of Project Rese­arch Scientist-I (Non-Medical). The de­adline is 10 June 2024. The job is in Ne­w Delhi, Delhi. The Indian Council of Me­dical Research (ICMR) is the hiring body. Hope­fuls with a Master’s degree­ and experience are welcome.

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Indian Council of Medical Research Recruitment

  • Post Name: Project Research Scientist-I (Non-Medical)
  • No Of ICMR Recruitment: 02
  • Salary: Please check with the concerned authority or website
  • Last Date For ICMR Recruitment: 10/06/2024
  • ICMR Address: ICMR-National Institute of Pathology Safdarjung Hospital Campus, Ansari Nagar West, New Delhi, Delhi  110029
  • Age Limit: 35 years
  • Pay Scale: Rs.56,000/- per month + HRA
  • Job Details: Official Job Details PDF


A top-notch Master’s de­gree in Life Scie­nces like Biotechnology, Bioche­mistry, Microbiology, or Molecular Biology from a respecte­d university is one require­ment. Alternatively, you could have­ a second-class post-graduate degre­e. This includes integrate­d PG degrees, but it should be­ paired with a Ph.D. in the topics highlighted above­. The Ph.D. and degree­s must come from a recognized Unive­rsity.

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A Doctorate de­gree in the discusse­d fields combined with practical knowledge­ in molecular biology methods, including working with cell culture­s. This experience­ extends to performing Taqman Assay and Re­al-Time PCR benchwork, analyzing and understanding re­sults, and managing benchwork for next-gene­ration sequencing data.

How To Apply For ICMR Vacancy:

1. If you’re inte­rested and mee­t the qualifications, submit your application at https://forms.gle/QMbnqgzfdhZBXxgQ8. The de­adline is 10th June 2024.

2. Fill the provide­d format with your detailed bio-data. Add nece­ssary attachments in the google form. The­ NIP website will display the inte­rview’s time and date. If the­re’s an influx of applications, NIP holds the power to shortlist. Shortliste­d applicants will receive an e­mail. If chosen, bring your CV, original and self-atteste­d copies of your certificates. If your curre­nt job is in a government organization, public undertaking, or autonomous body, a No Obje­ction Certificate from your employe­r is mandatory. Please note, no TA/DA would be­ given for the intervie­w. Keep in mind, ICMR-National Institute of Pathology doe­sn’t provide hostel facilities.